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    Meet me, Margarita

    Welcome to Mattesk, where life unfolds as a narrative, a story that never truly concludes. Embrace the beauty of the incomplete, understanding that each moment is a sentence, each day a paragraph, and each year a chapter in the grand novel of existence. In this ongoing narrative, we are the authors and protagonists, crafting our tales with choices, experiences, and emotions.

    my stories

    Then they Speak Series

    At Mattesk, we don't just celebrate individual journeys; we create collective stories. Our Office Events service has a distinctive focus on employee recognition. Just as your personal narrative thrives on meaningful connections, so does your professional story within your workplace.

    My souvenirs

    Some of the jewels from our
    stories collection

    New Items

    Brighten up your closet with
    some of out top picks for this season

    Guided Tours for Business Guests

    Guided Tours for Business Guests

    Providing business guests with a guided tour of the city offers numerous benefits, enhancing their overall experience and contributing to a successful business visit. Here are several reasons why you should plan a guided tour for your business guests:


    Office Events with Focus on Employee Recognition

    Why should you care about it? Employee recognition plays a crucial role in shaping company culture and contributing to overall company success in several ways

    Margarita embodies a blend of enthusiasm, expertise, and professionalism. Her organizational skills ensure seamless operations in any endeavor she undertakes. Her proficiency in both English and German reflect a first-class command of both languages. Her warm, caring, and friendly nature is present in every interaction. All of this makes Margarita a standout professional

    A group of guests on a private tour for Klaipėdos mėja

    A charismatic and well-versed professional

    Eugene Lane

    Santa Clara brought an unexpected burst of joy to our team, and it was such fun! If you're searching for a delightful surprise for your team, look no further—Margarita Mattesk is ready to infuse excitement into your workplace!

    Evelina, Admaja
    my stories

    Freshest solutions for modern
    peeps available only at La Comète
